Speech Accent Archive

The resulting map of all the ratings showed that, surprise surprise, the accent people in Michigan had was the most pleasant and most correct. Hi there can u tell me please what a richmond,virginia ,usa accent sounds like and describe it thanks. But don't take my word for it. Go listen to some native Alabama speakers and then go work on your Alabama accent.

I think that the Shit Southern Women Say” series easily found on YouTube is pretty close to most of the sound and expression that I know. 68 This term originated with the modern Southern dialect region and is not found in older Southern dialects. There are several reasons that one may wish to develop a Southern accent.

If you think about accents from around the country, you can probably think of some characteristics: the lack of r”s in Boston (Pahk the cah” and so forth), and the vowels of the Midwest that bring to mind Fargo These may seem marked, but you could say that the General American accent is marked because it pronounces the r”s and has its own strange vowels.

If it were just the case that everyone thought their own accent was the best in every way, then this would be an open-and-shut case: the American accent is whatever you happen to speak. That is a feature of the musicality of this accent. That Philly accent you (maybe) hear is actually one of the most studied in the U.S. because William Labov, the godfather of linguistics, Forrest Gump accent worked out of UPenn.

70 It is clear that AAVE was influenced by older speech patterns of the Southern United States, where Africans and African Americans were held as slaves until the American Civil War These slaves originally spoke a diversity of indigenous African languages but picked up English to communicate with one another, their white masters, and the white servants and laborers they often closely worked alongside.

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